5 April, 2012
Ms.Natsumi Iwata (D2) was awarded the best presentation prize among students in “The 67 Physical Society of Japan in 2012 Spring Conference”

Physical Society of Japan field 2 (fundamental plasma, plasma science, fusion plasma and plasma astrophysics) provides “best presentation award among students those who are praised as well as contribution toward physical development in the future. Due to big earthquake last year, the previous conference in March, 2011 was cancelled. The 67 Physical Society of Japan in March 24-27, 2012 spring conference was held as the first congress after disaster. In this conference, 4 students were awarded as the best presentation prize among 24 students. As one of 4 students, Ms.Natsumi Iwata was awarded the best presentation award. In her presentation, she reported the theoretical study of ponderomotive force in high intensity laser fields, which is based on a phase space Lagrangian formalism referred to as the noncanonical Lie perturbation theory, and showed a new formula of the relativistic ponderomotive force that includes higher-order nonlocal effects. It is pointed out that a coordinate including the laser phase and a constant of motion as the variables provides a simple form of the equation system. She also noted that the parity relation of the ponderomotive force can be explained from the view point of symmetry of spatial derivatives of the laser field profile, which would correspond to an essential concept in physics. Her presentation was very excellent including Q & A sessions, so that it was recognized to deserve as “the best presentation award”. The photograph shows her presentation and its diploma.
30 January, 2012
Annual Report Meeting on the Global COE Program “Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming” was held in Kyoto University Uji Campus

Global COE (GCOE) Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science is a project with the aim of supporting and promoting the formation of world-class education and research platforms. During 2007-2009, 140 centers of excellence from a wide range of academic fields have been adopted to the program. From 2008, Graduate School of Energy Science, Institute of Advanced Energy, Department of Nuclear Engineering, and Research Reactor Institute have jointly proposed a GCOE program "Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming -Toward CO2 Zero-emission Energy System-". In this project, the GCOE Unit for Energy Science Education promotes educational programs including student group research. In addition, selected students have been adopted as research assistants (RA) every year. At the annual report meeting held on January 30th, research reports of the RA students and the group studies were presented. Three of the 29 RA students were chosen for the Best Poster Award, and Ms. Iwata, a 1st-year student in the Ph. D. course in our laboratory, received the Award. The photograph shows the awarding ceremony and its diploma.
24 October - 26 October, 2011
Japan-US JIFT workshop on "Hierarchical Self-Organization of Turbulence and flows in Plasmas, Oceans and Atmospheres“ was held in Kyoto, Japan

The workshop entitled "Hierarchical Self-Organization of Turbulence and Flows in Plasmas, Oceans and Atmospheres” was held at Clock Tower Centennial Hall in Kyoto University in October 24-26, 2011. This is the second workshop based on the JIFT (Joint Institute for Fusion Theory) program organized by Prof. P. H. Diamond (UCSD) and Prof. Y. Kishimoto (Kyoto university), followed by the first one held in UCSD (San Diego) in March 24-26, 2010.
The aim of this workshop is to understand the underlying physics of “turbulence” and “flow” through the interdisciplinary cross among various different fields such as fusion, laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, ocean and atmospheric dynamics, etc. We especially focused on the nonlinear multi-scale interactions between micro-scale turbulence and macro-scale zonal flow, which are universally observed in plasmas, atmospheres and oceans, momentum transport due to the symmetry breaking of turbulence, and also the trigger mechanism of the abrupt magnetic reconnection. About 30 reports were given during three days and intensive discussions were done.
The right-hand side shows the group photo on the first day and one snap shot of this workshop.
12.September - 16.September, 2011
“The seventh international conference on inertial fusion sciences and applications (IFSA2011)”was held in Bordeaux, France

In recent years, inertial fusion sciences using high intensity lasers are eagerly studied all over the world. Recently, the first ignition is anticipated in NIF, a laser fusion research facility in US. Moreover, with the outstanding development of laser technologies, high energy density sciences such as laboratory astrophysics and studies of material state under high pressure and temperature are significantly developed. The IFSA2011, focusing on laser fusion science and high energy physics, became a large international conference where around 500 researchers were participated. At the conference, the latest studies on ignition experiments at NIF were reported. It was mentioned that the number of neutrons induced by 1.4MJ laser input has reached to 6×1015, that is near to the requirement for ignition, i.e. 6×1015. At the final session of the conference, E. Moses, the director of NIF, presented that they are planning to complete a fusion reactor which supplies 100 thousand kW of electricity (LIFE) in 2020 and realize electric power generation by the laser fusion at commercial level in 2030. In the conference period, the Lab. visiting tour for Laser Megajoule (LMJ) which is underway in the construction in the south area in Bordeaux, France was conducted. The left photo shows the opening ceremony (chairman is Prof.Mora) and the right photo shows Ms.Iwata’s poster session (the right side gentleman of her is Prof.Sentoku in Nevada University). In the poster session, Ms.Iwata conducted the presentation for “Theoretical research on the ponderomotive force in high intensity laser field by using the Lie transformation method”. This presentation has received the higher attention among the participated researchers.
The exchange seminar - Prof.Yokoi (University of Tokyo) and Prof.Arakel S. Petrosyan (Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Science) visit to Kishimoto Lab.-

We invited Prof.Yokoi (University of Tokyo) and Prof.Arakel S. Petrosyan (Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Science) to Kishimoto Lab. We had small exchange seminar and Prof.Petrosyan conducted the presentation about "Large eddy simulations of compressible magnetohydrodynamic plasmas".
Farewell party was held for students and staff who will graduate in this fisical year

Farewell party was held for student and staff in Super Dry Renaissance.
All Kishimoto-Lab member was joined and celebrate their graduate.
JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on
“Modeling of Theory and Simulation of Fusion Plasma”
was held in Beijing University China

JSPS-CAS Core University Program Seminar on
“Modeling of Theory and Simulation of Fusion Plasma”was held in Beijing University China.
Prof. Ding Li(USTC) gave the talk about Japan-China CUP result and activity in past 10 years with many episode.
Also Prof.Kishimoto(Kyoto Uni) gave the talk too as a representative of Japan side.
This seminar's member of a committee is Prof.Xiaogang Wang (Beijing Uni),Prof.Zhi Gao(Tsinghua Uni)
,Prof.Yukihiro Togashi(NIFS)、Prof.Noriyoshi Nakajima(NIFS)and Kishimoto(Kyoto Uni).
Totally around 40 scientist joined this seminar and had heated discussion during 3 days.
Kishimoto-Lab Summer Party In Kyoto Tower

We held a party for forget the summer heat and congratulate Imadera san's graduation in Kyoto Tower restaurant.
Department of Fundamental Energy Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University
has made an academic agreement with
International Institute For Fusion Science Faculty Of Science Of Matter University Of Provence

「The 1st workshop of the International Institute of Fusion Science (IIFS) on
"Multiscale Interaction between magnetic islands and micro-turbulence in magnetic fusion devices"」was held in Aixen Provence.
In this meeting's reception which held in Hotel AQUABELLA,The academic agreement has been made between Department of Fundamental
Energy Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University and International Institute For Fusion Science Faculty Of Science Of
Matter University Of Provence by Prof.Kishimoto(Kyoto Uni) and Prof. Jean-Marc Layet(IIFS)

Professor Kishimoto and Mr.Imadera(M3),Ms. Janvier(M2) attended to 51st Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physic in Atlanta in USA. They announced result of research.
18-20. May .2009
「Fourth IAEA-Technical Meeting on the Theory of Plasma Instabilities 2009」

"Fourth IAEA-Technical Meeting on the Theory of Plasma Instabilities 2009(IAEA-TM)" was held in the Kyoto University clock tower hall.
Please refer to HP for details.
This IAEA-TM has aimed to discuss how to advance the research in understanding and the future of the combustion plasma intensively also reporting and discussing the latest study results of a field concerned by the specialist's in the theory and the simulation field. This time, the participant reaches 91 that including participation from oversea, and this number is biggest at a current this conference.
Professor Kishimoto(Kyoto University) served as Vice Chairman and associate professor Lee took part as a secretary, and Kyoto University played a central role as secound host. On the left picture,it is a Kishimoto professor and it is Prof. Sudo (Vice Chairman / NIFS) to whom thanks are declared by Mr. G. Mank of IAEA.

The Kishimoto professor and associate professor Lee attended to 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in Geneva in Switzerland. Four announcements related to this laboratory were done.
A right photograph is both professors in front of Palace of Nations of the United Nations Office that is the hall.
6.June. 2005

We invited Professor Mori from Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute and the Kansai laboratory and held a small work shop about "Atomic process in the interaction of the high strength laser and the material"
Professor Kato from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology also joined.
A variety of atomic processes in femto second order were reviewed, and explained the relation between the laboratory space physics and the atomic process including X-ray astronomy.
also they joined in the project of the integration particle code development to which the atomic process to which development is advanced in this laboratory.
There is material.

We invited Professor Fukuda from Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Kansai laboratory and Proffessor Kato from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science to small workshop which mainly discuss about "Interaction and relativism plasma of the high strength laser and the material"
Mr. Fukuda seriously discusses with Mr.Masaki who is student of Kishimoto Laboratory and Mr.Kato.(look above picture)。
Mr. Nishiyama, Mr. Okabe, Mr. Hirao (M2) and Mr. Kato(M1) also joined.
2.May. 2005

We invited professor Miyato( Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute and the Naka laboratory ) and held a mini workshop for "Turbulent flow transportation theory of the fusion plasma"
Mr.Uzawa do the research announcement and have a discussion with Professor Miyato (above figure). Mr.Imadera(M1)and Mr.Kawanishi is seriously listen.