Professor | Akihiro Ishizawa |
Home Page e-mail: ishizawa (at) energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
Associate Professor | Kenji Imadera | TEL 0774-38-4433 e-mail: imadera.kenji.7z (at) kyoto-u.ac.jp |
Assistant Professor | Ryutaro Matsui |
TEL 0774-38-4432 e-mail: matsui.ryutaro.8r (at) kyoto-u.ac.jp |
Visiting Professor | Emanuele Poli | Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics |
Professor Emeritus |
Yasuaki Kishimoto |
TEL 0774-38-4432 e-mail: kishimoto.yasuaki.84r (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
Secretary | Tomoko Takahashi |
TEL 0774-38-4434 e-mail: takahashi.tomoko.3v (at) kyoto-u.ac.jp |
D3 | Rui Zhao |
Structures of micro-instability and associated turbulence with L-mode characteristics in reversed magnetic shear configuration in a global toroidal system e-mail: zhao.rui.27d (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
D2 | Katsuya Kondo | Formation of quasi-static ring structure by kinetic interaction due to an interaction between a high-intensity laser and um-ordered spherical dense object embedded in a dilute ambient gas e-mail: kondo.katsuya.72m (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
D2 | Jianfu Liu |
Characteristics of drift wave instabilities in a reversed shear plasma with global profile variation e-mail: riu.jianfu.28n (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
D2 | Shuuhei Okuda
| Extension of global gyrokinetic code for Tokamak edge turbulence simulation e-mail: okuda.shuuhei.38z (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M2 | Tomoki Ogawa | Simulation study of magnetic surface collapse due to tearing instability e-mail: ogawa.tomoki.23v (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M2 | Tatsuki Konaka |
Inference of turbulent transport model equations by neural network e-mail: konaka.tatsuki.37i (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M2 | Lin Daoyang | Heat conduction and plasma expansion dynamics due to the interaction between a high-intensity laser and structured medium e-mail: lin.daoyang.64i (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M2 | Shota Yamada |
Study of particle transpot in magnetically confined fusion plasma e-mail: yamada.shota.44m (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M2 | Yuan Jiawei | Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities due to energetic particles produced in nuclear fusion reactions e-mail: yuan.jiawei.86u (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M2 | Oliver Moura |
Structure formation of electromagnetic turbulence in fusion plasmas e-mail: oliver.moura.46m (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M1 | Hideaki Okabayashi | High-beta gyrokinetic simulation code e-mail: okabayashi.hideaki.55z (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M1 | Tomoya Kawazu |
Turbulent transport due to trapped electron modes in Heliotron J. e-mail: kawadu.tomoya.45c (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M1 | Kunhee Kim | Analysis of microscopic tearing modes by global gyrokinetic simulations e-mail: kim.kunhee.85f (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M1 | Rei Shichijo |
Identification of microscopic modes in fusion plasmas using a data-driven approach e-mail: shichijo.rei.75n (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M1 | Ryota Takai | Generation and control of high energy density plasma by the interaction of highーintensity laser with structured target e-mail: takai.ryota.85j (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
M1 | Kensho Takenaka |
Magnetic field shape effects on electromagnetic turbulence in fusion plasmas e-mail: takenaka.kensho.84x (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
B4 | Ryunosuke Sato | Stabilizing effect of ion temperature gradient instability due to energetic particles. e-mail: sato.ryunosuke.47r (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
B4 | Tomoya Nakao |
Beta dependence of slab ion temperature gradient instability e-mail: nakao.tomoya.67y (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
B4 | Yuya Niki | Entropy balance in slab ion temperature gradient driven turbulence e-mail: niki.yuya.56f (at) st.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
Past Professors
Professor (2004.6 - 2022.3) |
Yasuaki Kishimoto |
Kyoto University |
Visiting Professor (2017.1 - 2017.3) | Johan Anderson | Chalmers University of Technology |
Associated Professor (2006.5 - 2016.5) | Jiquan Li | South Western Institute for Physics |
Visiting Associate Professo (2012.4 - 2013.3) | Yuji Fukuda | Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Kansai Photon Science Institute |
Visiting Professor (2011.4 - 2012.3) | Masanori Yoshida | Explosion Research Institute Inc. |
Visiting Associate Professor (2010.4 - 2011.3) | Masaru Furukawa | Tottori University |
Past JSPS Foreign Researchers
JSPS BRIDGE Fellowship Program (2016.9 - 2016.10) | Andrei Smolyakov | Electromagnetic instabilities and electron transport in a tokamak |
JSPS BRIDGE Fellowship Program (2016.3 - 2016.4) | Johan Anderson | Statistical description of turbulent transport for flux-driven toroidal plasmas |
Past JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
JSPS Invitation Fellow (2007.10-2009.11) | Wang Zheng-Xiong | Theory and simulation of the multi-sclae interaction including MHD mode |
JSPS Invitation Fellow (2005.7 - 2007.7) (2016.3 - 2016.4) | Johan Anderson | Theory and simulation of the interaction between turbulence and zonal flows in fusion plasmas |
Past Research Students
Dispatching Univ.: Grenoble INP (2020.9-2020.12) |
LeLeux Ken |
Study of poloidally asymmetrical heating effects on neoclassical and turbulent transport in magnetically confined fusion plasmas |
Dispatching Univ.: Dalian Univ. of Tech. (2014.10-2016.10) |
Wei Wang |
Characteristics of flux-driven gyrokinetic ITG turbulence and E×B shear flow formation |
Dispatching Univ.: Dalian Univ. of Tech. (2014.11-2015.1) |
Zhaoqing Hu |
Nonlinear mutual destabilization of tearing mode and ion temperature gradient mode |
Dispatching Univ.: Grenoble INP (2013.6-2013.8) |
Philippe Mathieu |
Study of linear eigenmode in global gyrokinetic ITG driven turbulence |
Dispatching Univ.: Dalian Univ. of Tech. (2011.8-2013.7) |
Mao Aohua |
Study of linear and nonlinear dynamics of the double tearing mode in the presence of shear flows |