【Publication】Transient bifurcation induced rocket acceleration leading to a relativistic bulk medium induced by designed high-intensity lasers

Professor T.S. Hahm from Seoul National University visited Ishizawa laboratory. He will stay for a week and discuss the plasma turbulence and zonal flow.

2025.1.21- 1.23
「The 45th Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan (LSJ)」(Hiroshima, Japan)

Professor S. Benkadda (Universite Aix-Marseille, France) visited Ishizawa laboratory and discussed impurity transport and numerical simulation methods in fusion plasma.

2024.12.16 - 12.17
「Confinement and Transportation Research Symposium 2024」(National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan/Online)

2024.11.17 - 11.20
「The 41th Annual Meeting of The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research (JSPF)」(Tokyo, Japan)

2024.11.3 - 11.8
「AAPPS-DPP2024」(Malacca, Malaysia)

Professor H. Ji from Princeton University, USA visited our laboratory. He gave a lecture focusing on recent progress in magnetic reconnection experiments.

Professor T.S. Hahm from Seoul National University visited our laboratory. He will stay for a week and discuss the interaction between high energy particles and plasma turbulence.

2024.9.8 - 9.13
「21st International Congress on Plasma Physics」(Ghent, Belgium)

【Publication】Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol.100, No.7 (2024).

Professor T.S. Hahm from Seoul National University visited our laboratory. He will stay for a week and discuss the interaction between high energy particles and plasma turbulence.

Professor A. Brizard (Saint Michael's College, USA) visited our laboratory and gave a lecture on gyrokinetic theory on July 24th and 25th.

Dr. F. Widmer (Max Planck Institute, Germany) visited our laboratory. He will stay for a week and discuss magnetic reconnection in fusion plasmas.

「4th IFERC workshop on the usage of GPU based system for fusion applications」(Online)

【Paper publication】Turbulent particle pinch in gyrokinetic flux-driven ITG/TEM turbulence

The research results were published on the Kyoto University website "Latest research news".

【Paper publication】Turbulence transition in magnetically confined hydrogen and deuterium plasmas

2024.6.5 - 6.6
「Symposium on Photon and Beam Science(OPTO2024)」(KPSI-QST)

2024.6.3 - 6.7
「17th Kudowa Summer School "Towards Fusion Energy"」(KUDOWA-ZDROJ, POLAND)

Professor T.S. Hahm from Seoul National University visited our laboratory. He will stay for two weeks and discuss plasma turbulence.

2024.5.21 - 5.22
「13th IFERC-CSC conference」(Online)

【Paper publication】Plasma beta dependence of turbulent transport suggesting an advantage of weak magnetic shear from local and global gyrokinetic simulations

2024.4.22 - 4.26
「International Conference of High Energy Density Sciences 2024 (HEDS2024)」(PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan)

Visiting Professor Emanuele Poli (Max Planck Institute, Germany) has arrived at his post. He will stay for three months and will conduct collaborative research on the interactions of plasma turbulence with energetic particles and magnetic islands.

2024.3.18- 3.21
「2024 Spring Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan (JPS)」(Online)

2024.1.16- 1.19
「The 44th Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan (LSJ)」(Tokyo, Japan)

【Award】Shuuhei Okuda(D1) received the Young Academic Presentation Award at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Plasma and Fusion Society.

2023.11.27- 11.30
「The 40th Annual Meeting of The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research (JSPF)」(Morioka, Japan)

Prof. T. S. Hahm visited our lab and held the seminar entitled "Physics of Nonlocal Plasma Transport"

2023.11.20- 11.21
「US-Japan Joint Institute Fusion Theory (JIFT) Collaboration Meeting on Exascale Computing」(NIFS, Japan)

2023.11.12 - 11.17
「7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2023)」(Nagoya, Japan)

2023.10.16 - 10.21
「29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC2023)」(London, United Kingdom)

2023.9.18 - 9.22
「PLASMA2023」(Warsaw, Poland)

2023.9.16 - 9.19
「The annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, 2023 (autumntime)」(Tohoku University, Japan)

2023.8.30 - 9.1
「The 14th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science」(Uji Obaku Plaza, Japan)

2023.8.28 - 8.29
「17th Japan-Korea workshop on "Modeling and Simulation of Magnetic Fusion"」(Seoul National University, Korea & Online)

2023.8.4 - 8.8
「CCP2023 - 34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics」(Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan)

2023.8.2 - 8.3
「The 28th NEXT workshop」(Uji Obaku Plaza, Japan)

The figure of Shuhei Okuda's paper was selected as the cover page of Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol.99, No.7.

【Course publication】Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol.99, No.7 (2023).

【Paper publication】Global gyrokinetic simulation for toroidal impurity mode turbulence

【Paper publication】Extension of Global Gyrokinetic Code for Tokamak Edge Turbulence Simulation

【Paper publication】Plasma beta dependence of ion temperature gradient driven turbulence influenced by Shafranov shift

2022.4.18 - 4.21
「International Conference of High Energy Density Sciences 2023 (HEDS2023)」(PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan)

2022.4.17 - 4.21
「4th International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science(ICDDPS-4)」(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan)

2023.3.22 - 3.25
「The annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, 2023 (springtime)」(Online)

2023.3.14 - 3.15
"7th UNIST- Kyoto Univ. Workshop on “Physics validation and control of MHD instabilities and turbulent transport in fusion plasmas""(Ulsan, Korea)

2023.3.7 - 3.9
"US-Japan MHD Workshop on "MHD activity measurement and control in long-pulse operations towards DEMO""(National Institute for Fusion Science)

2023.1.18 - 1.20
「The 43rd Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan」(Nagoya)

2023.1.16 - 1.17
「The 3rd conference for Plasma Informatics」(National Institute for Fusion Science)

【Paper publication】ITB formation in gyrokinetic flux-driven ITG/TEM turbulence

2022.12.21 - 12.22
「Conference for confinement and transport 2022」(National Institute for Fusion Science)

「NVIDIA HPC Weeks in winter」(Online)

Akihiro Ishizawa was appointed to a professorship of Plasma and Fusion Science Laboratory

2022.11.22 - 11.25
「The 39th annual meeting of The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research」(Toyama International Conference Center)

2022.11.8 - 11.11
「The 31st International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research」(Online)

【Paper publication】Laser-driven multi-MeV high-purity proton acceleration via anisotropic ambipolar expansion of micron-scale hydrogen clusters

2022.9.29 - 9.30
「Symposium for Plasma simulator 2022」(Online)

2022.9.12 - 9.16
「Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop」(Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy)

2022.9.12 - 9.15
「The annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, 2022 (autumntime)」(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

2022.8.23 - 8.25
「OpenACC and Hackathons Asia-Pacific Summit」(Online)

2022.8.8 - 8.9
「27th NEXT research seminar」(Uji campus, Kyoto University)

「Eurofusion & IFERC Workshop on GPU Programming」(Online)

【Paper publication】Effects of magnetic island on profile formation in flux-driven ITG turbulence

2022.4.19 - 4.22
「International Conference of High Energy Density Sciences 2022 (HEDS2022)」(PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan)

Six students were assigned to our laboratory